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handling errors with flatMapLatest and retry

I have a web page where there are a bunch of items that the user can click on. clicking on any item, depending on it's type, will send an ajax request to the server and then display more items. If the request results in an error, I want to display it and then allow the user to continue clicking or interacting with the page as before.

My code looks like this

    .flatMapLatest(function (args) {
        //send the ajax request to the server
    .subscribe(function (data) {
         //handle getting the data from the server

where exactly can I handle the error case? I expect errors to happen, and I always want to re-subscribe to the source, but I want a chance to handle that error.


  • The trick is to turn your errors into data:

        .flatMapLatest(function (args) {
            //send the ajax request to the server
            var ajaxQuery = someObservable;
            // turn the observable into
            // a stream of eithers, which will
            // either have a 'result'
            // or an 'error'
            // use .catch() to turn the error
            // into a either with an error property
            // use .map() to turn the success
            // into a either with the result property
            return ajaxQuery
                .map(function (result) {
                    return { result: result };
                .catch(function (error) {
                    return Rx.Observable.of({ error: error });
        .subscribe(function (data) {
             if (data.error) {
                // display data.error to user
             else {
                // display data.result to user

    If your ajax method returns a Promise, use then chaining:

        .flatMapLatest(function (args) {
            //send the ajax request to the server
            var ajaxQuery = somePromise;
            // turn the promise into
            // a promise of eithers, which will
            // either have a 'result'
            // or an 'error'
            return ajaxQuery
                .then(function onSuccess(result) {
                    return { result: result };
                }, function onError (error) {
                    return { error: error };
        .subscribe(function (data) {
             if (data.error) {
                // display data.error to user
             else {
                // display data.result to user