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Extending SimpleWeightedGraph - JgraphT

I wanted to know about the right way to extend the SimpleWeightedGraph from JgraphT library so that I could use a simplified alias and also include additional functionalities as required.

Instead of creating a new graph each time using

SimpleWeightedGraph<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph 
= new SimpleWeightedGraph<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);

I created a class

public class CustomGraph extends SimpleWeightedGraph<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge>{    

    public CustomGraph(){
    /*Additional custom methods*/

So that I can instantiate using

CustomGraph graph = new CustomGraph();

But this doesn't seem to create the object. Am i missing any other constructor for this?


  • Ok I figured it out. Here is the class with the edgefactory constructors that had to be included.

    public class CustomGraph extends SimpleWeightedGraph<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge>{
         * Creates a new simple weighted graph with the specified edge factory.
         * @param ef the edge factory of the new graph.
        public CustomGraph(EdgeFactory<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge> ef)
         * Creates a new simple weighted graph.
         * @param edgeClass class on which to base factory for edges
        public CustomGraph(Class<? extends DefaultWeightedEdge> edgeClass)
            this(new ClassBasedEdgeFactory<Node, DefaultWeightedEdge>(edgeClass));