Search code examples

Solr rule based boost

I am using Solr-5.0.0. I am searching on a field product_name. I need to add some rules to get relevant results.

  1. If I search for a word, if exact match exists , it should come first. Ex: if I search for laptop ,it should return exact product_name with laptop first.

  2. If I search for more than one word , it should obey rule 1. along with least word length distanced names come first. Ex: if I search dell laptop, it should return Dell laptop first than dell inspiron laptop.

  3. If I search for words it should not return results contains with or without words. Ex: in search laptop bag , it should not give dell laptop with bag or dell laptop without bag results first.

How can I achieve these rules based search relevant results at query time?

My application is in java, so Java answer is appreciated.


  • To begin with, you should use the dismax or edismax query parser instead of the default (lucene).

    Then you can improve relevancy using different parameters :

    1. : Use qf to boost your product_name field.
    2. : Use pf to boost your product_name field where all of the terms in the q parameter appear in close proximity.
    3. : Use bq to boost documents where the words with or without don't appear. See here. For example : bq=(*:* -with -without)^999