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How do i go to parent directory when using __dirname?

Directory structure :

  • WebApiRole
    • GulpFile.js
  • test
    • Karma.conf.js

Gulp code from GulpFile.js

gulp.task('test', function (done) {
        configFile: _configFile: __dirname + '\\..\\test\\karma.conf.js',
        singleRun: true
    }, done);

So my problem going to the parent directory and access the karma.conf.js . For some reason the path is not get resolved with ..\\ to go back to the parent directory of WebApiRole . can someone point me in the right direction ?


  • I had to use path package to resolve this issue .

    var path = require("path"),
        fs = require("fs");
    gulp.task('test', function (done) {
            configFile: fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../test/', 'karma.conf.js')),
            singleRun: true
        }, done);