I want to color text in a JTable cell. I'm using a DefaultTableCellRender
with HTML Tags to color multible words/text. I'm using Regex to find words/text and replacing them by adding HTML Tags.
The problem here is that the HTML tags them selves should not match by the regex.
This is a example text background
text to color "a example":
This is <font color="FFFFFF" style="background-color: #FFAABB">a example</font>
text background
next word to color "back":
This is <font color="FFFFFF" style="background-color: #FFAABB">a example</font>
text <font color="FFFFFF" style="background-color: #AAAAAA">back</font>ground
the "back" in the HTML tag should not be replaced. Is there a way to exclude this by the Regex?
private String color(String val, ArrayList<ColorKeyWord> list) {
for(ColorKeyWord ckw: list){
val = val.replaceAll(ckw.getKeyWord(), "<font color=\"" + DecodedDataHTMLTags.color_white + "\" " +"style=\"background-color: #" + ckw.getColor() + "\">" + ckw.getKeyWord() + "</font>");
return val;
I think a simpler solution would be to us StyledLabel
from jidesoft and use StyleRange
. But the StyledTableCellRenderer
is not included in the free library.
I'm also using JTable
because i need variable cell height. This can not be achieved with swt tables.
There's probably a better way, but basically, what this does it sets up a series of optional groups which allows a Pattern
and Matcher
to break the String
down into "ranges"
We then use those ranges to "inject" the rules...
String text = "This is a example text background and bunnies are red";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(example text)|(back)|(bunnies)|(red)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);
List<MatchRange> ranges = new ArrayList<>(25);
while (m.find()) {
ranges.add(new MatchRange(m.start(), m.end()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
int anchor = 0;
for (MatchRange range : ranges) {
String before = "";
if (anchor < range.getStart()) {
before = text.substring(anchor, range.getStart());
System.out.println(range.getStart() + " - " + range.getEnd());
String match = text.substring(range.getStart(), range.getEnd());
// This is where I would have a rule formatter
if (match.equals("example text")) {
sb.append("<font color=\"FFFFFF\" style=\"background-color: #FFAABB\">");
} else if (match.equals("back")) {
sb.append("<font color=\"FFFFFF\" style=\"background-color: #AAAAAA\">");
} else if (match.equals("bunnies")) {
sb.append("<font color=\"FF0000\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\">");
} else if (match.equals("red")) {
sb.append("<font color=\"FF0000\" style=\"background-color: #000000\">");
} else {
anchor = range.getEnd();
And the MatchRange
public class MatchRange {
private final int start;
private final int end;
public MatchRange(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public int getEnd() {
return end;
public int getStart() {
return start;
And this basically outputs
<html>This is a <font color="FFFFFF" style="background-color: #FFAABB">example text</font> <font color="FFFFFF" style="background-color: #AAAAAA">back</font>ground and <font color="FF0000" style="background-color: #FFFFFF">bunnies</font> are <font color="FF0000" style="background-color: #000000">red</font>
I added some additional conditions for testing.
What I would do, is create a class which could carry a condition ("example text"
) and which could format the value (wrapping the HTML around it for example) and simply iterate over these to create the expression and apply the format
Maybe something like...
public interface ConditionFormatter {
public String getCondition();
public String applyFormatTo(String text);
public boolean matches(String text);
public class DefaultConditionFormatter implements ConditionFormatter {
private final String condition;
private final String preFormat;
private final String postFormat;
public DefaultConditionFormatter(String condition, String preFormat, String postFormat) {
this.condition = condition;
this.preFormat = preFormat;
this.postFormat = postFormat;
public String getCondition() {
return condition;
public String applyFormatTo(String text) {
return new StringBuilder(preFormat).append(text).append(postFormat).toString();
public boolean matches(String text) {
return condition.equalsIgnoreCase(text);
Which contains the "condition" or "rule" and the format to apply. Normally, I might be tempted to separate the "rule" and the "formatter", but I think you can get the basic idea...
Then you could do something like...
List<ConditionFormatter> formatters = new ArrayList<>(25);
formatters.add(new DefaultConditionFormatter("example text", "<font color=\"FFFFFF\" style=\"background-color: #FFAABB\">", "</font>"));
formatters.add(new DefaultConditionFormatter("back", "<font color=\"FFFFFF\" style=\"background-color: #AAAAAA\">", "</font>"));
formatters.add(new DefaultConditionFormatter("bunnies", "<font color=\"FF0000\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF\">", "</font>"));
formatters.add(new DefaultConditionFormatter("red", "<font color=\"FF0000\" style=\"background-color: #000000\">", "</font>"));
String text = "This is a example text background and bunnies are red";
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(")|(", "(", ")");
for (ConditionFormatter formatter : formatters) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(sj.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
for (MatchRange range : ranges) {
// This is where I would have a rule formatter
String match = text.substring(range.getStart(), range.getEnd());
for (ConditionFormatter formatter : formatters) {
if (formatter.matches(match)) {