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Skip bytes in ByteArray Java

My app reads a png-like file (in byte) and stores bytes into a byteArray. This is the method I use :

public static byte[] read(File file) throws IOException {

        byte []buffer = new byte[(int) file.length()];
        InputStream ios = null;
        try {
            ios = new FileInputStream(file);
            if ( == -1 ) {
                throw new IOException("EOF reached while trying to read the whole file");
        } finally { 
            try {
                 if ( ios != null ) 
            } catch ( IOException e) {

        return buffer;

After that, I want to extract patterns of that byteArray.

It follows the pattern of png file :
4 bytes length + 4 bytes types + data (optional) + CRC and repeats that scheme.

I want to do something like a do while : reading the length + type. If I'm not interested of the type, I want to skip that chunk. But I'm struggling because I can't find any skip method for byteArray[].

Does anyone have an idea of how to proceed ?


  • Have you tried to use ByteArrayInputStream there is skip method