I am working on an app for iOS Platform. i have a Input Field available in the new UI System , but every time the White Classic keyboard comes out to take input. I want to display the keyboard with a black semi-transparent background. Can anyone help me out with this?
I tried TouchScreenKeyboard.Open("", TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, false, false, true, true); T his opens the black semi-transparent background keyboard but when i hit the input field again then the classic white keyboard comes.
I want the black semi-transparent background keyboard as my default keyboard.
Thank You for helping.
Finally i got the answer to my own question.
Open your project in Xcode. Open the Classes Folder. Inside it open the UI Folder. Inside it open the file Keyboard.mm
Classes>UI Folder>Keyboard.mm
[we can see the UIKeyboardAppearance selection] https://i.sstatic.net/yKr7n.png
In here we can see two type of keyboards
and below there is a line that decides which type of keyboard should appear
keyboardAppearances[alert ? 1 : 0],
Just change the order of the keyboard appearance according to your convenience
This is a cheap solution. Actually you should change the value of the alert bool from wherever this method is being called
[see the UnityKeyboard_Show Method]