I've implemented some machine learning function into Excel, therefore, I used the RExcel add-in. Now I'm trying to predict classes based on certain input data. This input data is written in Excel. A macro read this input data and transforms it to R, which classifies this data. I have to classify 3000 record which all contain 4 variables.
In case I use a small (n<999) dataset, the function works fine. But in case of a dataset with n>1000 RExcel give the following error:
Rexcel Error 1301
in module RExcel.Arrays
Workbook file name or sheet name to long,
"[file.xlsm]sheet1" has more than 54 characters.
I read the data in with the following comment:
private sub commandbutton.click()
Dim test As Range,
Set test = Range(CalcProbs.testData)
call Classifydata(test)
end sub
Function classifydata(test as Range)
rinterface.PutDataframe "test", test
end function
with CalcProbs.testData as refEdit.
Does anybody know wheter the function rinterface.PutDataFrame only works for a limited size of data, or is there something wrong in my code?
Have already found the problem. I saved the Excel file with a shorter name and it works perfect.