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Chinese sentence segmenter with Stanford coreNLP

I'm using the Stanford coreNLP system with the following command:

java -cp stanford-corenlp-3.5.2.jar:stanford-chinese-corenlp-2015-04-20-models.jar -Xmx3g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -props -annotators segment,ssplit -file input.txt

And this is working great on small chinese texts. However, I need to train a MT system which just requires me to segment my input. So I just need to use -annotators segment, but with this parameters the system outputs an empty file. I could run the tool using the ssplit annotator as well but I don't want to do that because my input is a parallel corpora that contains one sentence by line already, and the ssplit will probably not split sentences perfectly and create problems in the parallel data.

Is there a way to tell the system to do the segmentation only, or to tell it that the input already contains a sentence by line exactly?


  • Using Stanford Segmenter instead:

    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ echo "应有尽有的丰富选择定将为您的旅程增添无数的赏心乐事" > input.txt
    $ bash stanford-segmenter-2015-04-20/ ctb input.txt UTF-8 0 > output.txt
    $ cat output.txt
    应有尽有 的 丰富 选择 定 将 为 您 的 旅程 增添 无数 的 赏心 乐事

    Other than Stanford Segmenter, there are many other segmenter might be more suitable, see Is there any good open-source or freely available Chinese segmentation algorithm available?

    To continue using the Stanford NLP tools for pos tagging:

    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ cd stanford-postagger-full-2015-01-30/
    $ echo "应有尽有 的 丰富 选择 定 将 为 您 的 旅程 增添 无数 的 赏心 乐事" > input.txt
    $ bash models/chinese-distsim.tagger input.txt > output.txt
    $ cat output.txt 
    应有尽有#VV 的#DEC 丰富#JJ 选择#NN 定#VV 将#AD 为#P 您#PN 的#DEG 旅程#NN 增添#VV 无数#CD 的#DEG 赏心#NN 乐事#NN