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Sessionscoped managed bean not saving variables jsf

I have a bit strange problem with a managed session scoped bean. I am quite new to jsf and this is looking strange. The case is: loginBean stores some variables that are initialized after a successful login. At first time, they are initialized, but after the successful login, the user is redirected to a profile.xhtml page, in which I call these variables from loginBean. In this page the variables from the loginBean are null. So I lose all the data after redirection.


package beans;

import facades.ContactFacade;
import facades.UsersFacade;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import model.Contact;


public class LoginBean implements Serializable{
    private ContactFacade contactFacade;
    private UsersFacade usersFacade;

private String Name;
private String Password;
private int ContactID;
private Contact contact;

public LoginBean() {


public Contact getContact() {
    return contact;

public void setContact(Contact contact) { = contact;
public String getName() {
    return Name;

public void setName(String Name) {
    this.Name = Name;

public String getPassword() {
    return Password;

public void setPassword(String Password) {
    this.Password = Password;
public int getContactID() {
    return ContactID;

public void setContactID(int ContactID) {
    this.ContactID = ContactID;

private boolean checkValidity(){
    return (
public String login(){
    if(checkValidity()&&usersFacade.tryLogin(getName(), getPassword())){

        return "profile.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";
        return "loginError.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";

private void getContactInstance(){

public String getDepartment(){
    return contactFacade.getDepartmentName(getContact().getDepartment());

profile.xhtml jsf

        <h2>My information</h2>
        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
            <h:outputLabel value="Name:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{}"/>

            <h:outputLabel value="Lastname:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{}"/>

            <h:outputLabel value="Address:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{}"/>

            <h:outputLabel value="Telephone:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{}"/>

            <h:outputLabel value="Email:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{}"/>

            <h:outputLabel value="Department:"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="#{loginBean.department}"/>

            <h:commandButton id="btnChange" value="Change Info" />



This is quite strange for me. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance


  • Can it be that you have overridden the bean in faces-cofig.xml? If so the bean defined in the xml will be with higher priority and annotation will be ignored.