I am trying to use Weka in Android Studio. And I am stuck at the this line:
Its red underlined and it says:
Unhandled Exception:Java.lang.Exception
I was trying other ways and with different dataSet and its allways underlined at .buildClassifier
NaiveBayes nB = new NaiveBayes();
nB.buildClassifier(dataSet); //Unhandled exception
Classifier cModel = (Classifier)new LinearRegression();
cModel.buildClassifier(data); //Unhandled exception
Trying to fix this for hours, couldn't find solution on internet,I think I am just missing something maybe I just need to Import something more?
I was doing this from the tutorial so the code should work. Tutorial: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-weka3/index.html
Whole code
import weka.*;
import weka.classifiers.trees.J48;
import weka.core.*;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression;
import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes;
public class Meni extends Activity {
public void Weka(){
Attribute a1 = new Attribute("houseSize", 0);
Attribute a2 = new Attribute("lotSize", 1);
Attribute a3 = new Attribute("bedrooms", 2);
Attribute a4 = new Attribute("granite", 3);
Attribute a5 = new Attribute("bathroom", 4);
Attribute a6 = new Attribute("sellingPrice", 5);
//ArrayList attr = new ArrayList();
FastVector attrs = new FastVector();
Instance i1 = new DenseInstance(6);
i1.setValue(a1, 3529);
i1.setValue(a2, 9191);
i1.setValue(a3, 6);
i1.setValue(a4, 0);
i1.setValue(a5, 0);
i1.setValue(a6, 205000);
Instance i2 = new DenseInstance(6);
i2.setValue(a1, 3247);
i2.setValue(a2, 10061);
i2.setValue(a3, 5);
i2.setValue(a4, 1);
i2.setValue(a5, 1);
i2.setValue(a6, 224900);
Instance i3 = new DenseInstance(6);
i3.setValue(a1, 4032);
i3.setValue(a2, 10150);
i3.setValue(a3, 5);
i3.setValue(a4, 0);
i3.setValue(a5, 1);
i3.setValue(a6, 197900);
//set class Atribute
//Creating model
LinearRegression linearRegresion = new LinearRegression();
linearRegresion.buildClassifier(data); //Unhandled exception :(
} }
It was problem with weka.jar library. Normal one that I download from weka site is not working with android.Now I downloaded modified one from user rjmanrsan: https://github.com/rjmarsan/Weka-for-Android Working now :)