I am working on my init.el and would like to setup so that it checks if my defined packages are installed and if not then refresh package contents and install them.
I can automate the install fine, but I only want to refresh the package list if there are packages not installed.
I came up with something that works with common lisp but seems as if elisp does not have every-p which is the simplest method.
(defparameter *my-packages* '(evil evil-leader helm))
(defparmeter *installed-pkgs* '())
;fake package-installed-p
(defun package-installed-p(pkg)
(member pkg *installed-pkgs*))
;fake package-install
(defun package-install(pkg)
(format t "Installing package: ~a~%" pkg))
(defun check-installed-p()
(every #'package-installed-p *my-packages*))
(defun mytest()
(unless (check-installed-p)
(dolist (pkg *my-packages*)
(unless (package-installed-p pkg)
(package-install pkg)))))
The other method I came up with was the following using return-from but it seems this is not part of elisp. With some searching it looks like I could emulate this with catch and throw.
(defun check-installed-p()
(dolist (pkg *my-packages*)
(unless (package-installed-p(pkg)
(return-from check-installed-p NIL)))
(return-from check-installed-p T))
What is the best way to do this?
EDIT #1 Using cl-lib and cl-extra
(require 'package)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'cl-extra)
(push '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") package-archives )
(defconst *my-packages* '(evil evil-leader helm))
(defun my-package-check()
(unless (cl-every #'package-installed-p *my-packages)
(dolist (pkg *my-packages*)
(unless (package-installed-p pkg)
(package-install pkg)))))
(require 'evil)
(require 'evil-leader)
(require 'helm-config)
To do without require common lisp libraries, replace cl-every with my-every below followint Drew's suggested answer.
Thanks for help!
(defun my-every (pred list)
(while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
(setq list (cdr list)))
(null list))
I use this in Bookmark+:
(defun bmkp-every (predicate list)
"Return t if PREDICATE is true for all elements of LIST; else nil."
(while (and list (funcall predicate (car list))) (setq list (cdr list)))
(null list))