I'm working with a large number of files that have PHP block docs with Swagger PHP annotations on them, however they are not indented. Is there anyway to automatically format them with spaces?
* @SWG\Api(
* path="/building/{buildingId}",
* @SWG\Operation(
* method="GET",
* type="Building",
* summary="Returns a Building object by ID",
* nickname="building/getBuilding",
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="buildingId",
* description="ID of the building that needs to be fetched",
* paramType="path",
* required=false,
* type="string",
* defaultValue="1"
* )
* )
* )
* @SWG\Api(
* path="/building/{buildingId}",
* @SWG\Operation(
* method="GET",
* type="Building",
* summary="Returns a Building object by ID",
* nickname="building/getBuilding",
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="buildingId",
* description="ID of the building that needs to be fetched",
* paramType="path",
* required=false,
* type="string",
* defaultValue="1"
* )
* )
* )
Looking into this unfortunately there isn't anything built into PHPStorm to do this. I fixed this issue with a bit of node and have open sourced my work if anyone else needs it.