I'm attempting to use recursive methods to solve a maze represented by an int array of 1s and 0s in Java. wasHere[] checks if the method has already parsed that particular set of coordinates, correctPath[] records the answer path to the maze; both of them are initialized with every index being false.
import java.awt.Point;
class mazeSolver{
int[][] maze;
int startX, startY;
int endX, endY;
int width, height;
boolean[][] wasHere, correctPath;
mazeSolver(int[][] m, int sX,int sY,int nX,int nY){
maze = m;
width = maze[0].length;
height = maze.length;
startX = sX;
startY = sY;
endX = nX;
endY = nY;
System.out.println("Height: " + height + "\t Width: " + width);
correctPath = new boolean[height][width];
wasHere = new boolean[height][width];
for (int row = 0; row < maze.length; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < maze[row].length; col++){
wasHere[row][col] = false;
correctPath[row][col] = false;
public boolean solveMaze(int x, int y){
boolean solvable = recursiveSolve(x,y);
return solvable;
private boolean recursiveSolve(int x, int y){ //1s are walls, 0s are free space
if (x == endX && y == endY)
return true;
if (wasHere[y][x] || maze[y][x] == 1)
return false;
wasHere[y][x] = true;
if (y < height-1){
if (solveMaze(x,y+1))
return true;
if (y > 0){
if (solveMaze(x,y-1))
return true;
if (x > 0){
if (solveMaze(x-1,y))
return true;
if (x < width-1){
if (solveMaze(x+1,y))
return true;
return false;
public int[][] getSolvedMaze(){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x< width; x++)
maze[y][x] = 2;
return maze;
I have been stuck with this error for the past few hours, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think there is no bug as such (not that I can see) but you are recursing way too much which caused this issue. I am not sure what values are you feeding into the program, but I was able to notice the issue with initializing the above program with these parameters:
mazeSolver MazeSolver = new mazeSolver(new int [100][100], 0, 0, 100,100);
So to run your program as-it-is I increased the stack size. You could do so by feeding the following parameter to JVM as you run the program: -Xss258m
This stack size was able to accommodate array of 1000 size. I did not have much time to test other sizes.
mazeSolver MazeSolver = new mazeSolver(new int [1000][1000], 0, 0, 1000,1000);