I'm tying out dygraphs an it´s pretty fun. For some reason though it does not accept a variable as labels for the array containing the data. I have formatted the string to exactly look like the "hardcoded" entry but it just won´t work.
Here are some snippets to let you know what i mean.
var select =('<?php echo implode('","', $select); ?>');
var label='"X"'+ ',"'+select+'"';
g = new Dygraph(
// containing div
labels: [label], // I tried it with and without the brackets, no difference
title:'Abweichung der Messerte',
ylabel:'<?php echo $art?>',
showRangeSelector: true,
digitsAfterDecimal: 5,
strokeWidth: 1.5,
drawPoints: true,
If i log label to the console it looks like this, depending on the selected numbers:
Still i get the folling error
"Mismatch between number of labels ("X","10002","10003") and number of columns in array (3)"
My array format for allData is [time,Value1,Value2] and works fine if i hardcode the labels.
Please tell me what i´m doing wrong :-)
greetings David
You need to pass an array of strings, not a comma-separated string of labels.
['X', 'Y1', 'Y2']
and not