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How to partially substitute an Underscore.js template, or how to create a template from a template

I would create a master template for generating other templates. The only method I found is this one:

var test_tpl_master = _.template(
    "StackOverflow <%= type %> question number <%= num %>"

var test_tpl_1 = _.template(test_tpl_master({
    "type": "good", 
    "num": "<%= num %>"

var test_tpl_2 = _.template(test_tpl_master({
    "type": "stupid", 
    "num": "<%= num %>"

Is there not a more simple and elegant way?


  • You can create a function that will act as a proxy to your master and will fill the the variables you want.

    For example, let's say you have

    var prefill_template = function(tpl, defs) {
        return function(data) {
            return tpl(_.extend({}, data, defs));

    You can then create your subtemplates functions by

    var test_tpl_1 = prefill_template(test_tpl_master, {
        "type": "good"
    var test_tpl_2 =  prefill_template(test_tpl_master, {
        "type": "stupid"

    and use them as any other template :

        num: 1
        num: 1

    And a demo