I've been trying to create an event to be triggered given certain conditional (more general case), but I have not found a way, at least not in the official documentation of Polymer for handling events
The custom element listen to another event, so he expects a condition is met to throw the internal event.
This is a little descriptive example:
var ele = document.querySelector("my-element");
// some action
This code describes who will be listening to the event (myCustomEvent
) and an action is detonated.
The other hand comes the implementation of the custom element
<polymer-element name="my-element">
<other-custom-element id="foo"></other-custom-element>
Polymer("my-element", {
ready: function(){
var foo = this.$.foo;
foo.addEventListener("AnotherEvent" , function(){
// in this part I need to fire the event
// "myCustomEvent"
My problem is to fire the event when the condition is done, And listen that event outside (in index.html)
Try this. (Note: changed event names to be case-insensitive ['AnotherEvent' -> 'another-event'] because the HTML is happier this way):
<polymer-element name="my-element">
<other-custom-element on-another-event="{{doAnotherEvent}}"></other-custom-element>
Polymer("my-element", {
doAnotherEvent: function(){
if (condition){
// in this part I need to fire the event
// "my-custom-event"