I want to make two way data binding between Polymer and Angular, for this I am using Angu-poly library.
Here is a link to an example which is working, while passing strings via name and age attributes: working.
<x-kid bind-polymer ng-repeat="kid in kids" angupoly="{name:'kid.name', age:'kid.age'}">
But when I try to make it with passing an object via kid attribute, it seems that something goes wrong, here is the link: not working.
<x-kid bind-polymer angupoly="{kid:'kid'}">
What should I do to make it work?
Also tried it with this library and it didn't work. the code will look like this:
<x-kid bind-polymer kid={{kid}}>
Big Update:
Here I made some progress tweaking the "angular-bind-polymer" library. For now I am able to bind objects from outside polymer into polymer, here is the updated plunker. The problem now is to do this in the other direction.
Note: I am getting some exception from angular side, take a look maybe you can help to solve it. I think we are very close :).
Here is an updated example http://plnkr.co/w1icAU
With Polymer 1.0 two way binding is much simpler and also able to bind objects not just string values.
Here is the main part
<x-kid ng-repeat="kid in ::kids" angupoly="{name:'kid.name', age:'kid.age'}"></x-kid>