I am trying to get a text edit box to display the current time every 5 seconds using QTimer. I am having the current time figured in a separate method and then having the QTimer call that method and display the current time. I can not for the life of me figure out how to pass the variable from the setCurrentTime method to the QTimer. Im sure it a really easy fix but I cant figure it out. Here is my code.
void noheatmode::setCurrentTime()
QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
QString sTime = time.toString("hh:mm:mm");
// ui->tempTimeNoHeatMode->append(sTime);
void noheatmode::on_timeButton_clicked()
QTimer *timer =new QTimer(this);
connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(setCurrentTime()));
If I got your problem right, you just have minutes variable instead of a seconds. Just change "hh:mm:mm" to "hh:mm:ss"
void noheatmode::setCurrentTime()
QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
QString sTime = time.toString("hh:mm:ss");