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input radio checked / unchecked not working in Firefox 38.0.5 Windows - jquery

I am trying to figure out a way to allow users to select radio options but then deselect the option if they change their mind. I would also like hide other form fields if they select an option because those fields are not relevant. I can get the code to work in Chrome but not in Firefox. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

<!-- language: lang-html -->
 <script src="/javascripts/libs/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>

   <input type="radio" name="group1" id="preloaded-1" value="preloaded_img-1"  />
 <input type="radio" name="group1" id="preloaded-2" value="preloaded_img-2"  />
    <div>Hide this content when a radio is selected</div>
    <button>Clear selections</button>

<!-- language: lang-js -->
    // Hides/reveals content when radio group is selected   
    $( "input[type=radio]" ).on( "click", function() {
        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
        } else {

//Clears all radio selections
$( "button" ).click(function() {
    $('input[name="group1"]').attr('checked', false);

//Adds the ability to deselect radio buttons
$("input[type=radio]").click(function(event) {
        var radio_selector = 'input[type="radio"]',

        // Ignore the event when the radio input is clicked.
        if (!$( {

        $radio = $(this).find(radio_selector);
            // Prevent the event to be triggered
            // on another element, for the same click
            // We manually check the box, so prevent default
            $radio.prop('checked', !$':checked'));
    $("input[type=radio]").on('change click', function(event) {
        // The change event only fires when the checkbox state changes
        // The click event always fires

        // When the radio is already checked, this event will fire only once,
        //   resulting in an unchecked checkbox.
    // When the radio is not checked already, this event fires twice
        //   so that the state does not change
        this.checked = !this.checked;


  • Thank you @depperm for your help in isolating the issue to the input type="radio". For whatever reason checkboxes are better supported on firefox and already have the ability to be check and unchecked. I added a name to each input and some code to prevent multiple checkboxes from being selected with the same name. This way it acts just like a radio group.

    So after going through this, should radio groups be avoided altogether? I think any selection should have the ability to be deselected but that is not the default behavior of a radio.

    // Hides/reveals content when checkbox is selected	
    $( "input[type=checkbox]" ).on( "click", function() {
        var checkedAtLeastOne = false;
        $('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
            if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
              checkedAtLeastOne = true;
    	        if (!checkedAtLeastOne) {
    	        } else {
    	// prevents multiple checkboxes from being selected - simulate radio group
     	var th = $(this), name = th.prop('name'); 
     	    $(':checkbox[name="'  + name + '"]').not($(this)).prop('checked',false);   
    //Clears all checkbox selections
    $( "button" ).click(function() {
        $('.group1').attr('checked', false);
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="checkbox" class="group1" id="preloaded-1" value="preloaded_img-1" name="group1"  />
    <input type="checkbox" class="group1" id="preloaded-2" value="preloaded_img-2" name="group1"  />
    <div>Hide this content when a radio is selected</div>
    <button>Clear selections</button>