I have a nested form and using nested_form gem by ryan bates in which i am using raty stars in the field, the form is given as
<%= f.fields_for :round_questions do |question| %>
<%= question.label :question %>
<%= question.text_field :question %>
<div class="star-questions" > </div>
<%= question.text_field :answer %>
<% end %>
<%= f.link_to_add "Add a Question", :round_questions,
:class=> 'btn waves-effect waves-light btn-medium custom_btn_gray',:id => "add-fields" %>
and the javascript is given as
$(document).ready(function() {
targetType : 'score',
targetKeep : true
$(document).on('click', '#add-fields', function(){
targetType : 'score',
targetKeep : true
the issue is when i click on add a question the previous star rating are going empty , i know why this is happening because i am passing raty function again to all star-question please tell me how can i add question preserving the previous star rating
Give the following code a try-
targetType : 'score',
targetKeep : true
$(document).on('nested:fieldAdded:round_questions', function(event){
targetType : 'score',
targetKeep : true