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Nutiteq: ViewLabel: Delayed Button execution

I am trying to create a nutiteq ViewLabel with an custom view containing three Buttons. My code and the problem are very similar to this post nutiteq: Button resp. clickable Views not working in Custom ViewLabel.

With the provided answer of the referred post I noticed that the onTouchEvent-Method of the view is called and that the object which performs the click is posted by a handler to a runQueue which is triggered by the Choreographer.

After pressing a Button in the ViewLabel those internal calls I've described above happen, but the onClick-Method of the Button is not executed until I press somewhere outside the ViewLabel. Then the ViewLabel closes (like it should, when are pressing on the map behind it) and Toast I put in the onClick-Method is triggered.

I think the problem has something to do the UIThread. Seems like the performClick-Action is put into the wrong runQueue, which is active when the user doesn't have a Label opened.

It would be nice if someone has an idea, how to solve that problem.

Edited: Here is how i build the ViewLabel. This method is in a class which is called by the MapActivity:

    public void createViewMarker(View markerView, Bitmap icon, MapPos pos, Category cat, String tag) {
    MarkerStyle markerStyle = MarkerStyle.builder().setBitmap(icon).setSize(0.5f).setColor(
    ViewLabel label = new ViewLabel(markerView, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()));
    markers.add(new MocaMarker(pos, label, markerStyle, cat,
            markerLayer, tag));


  • After the response of the nutiteq team in google groups who also didn't have a solution ( see here) i decided to get rid of the ViewLabel completely.

    My solution now was to include the layout of the prepared poi view into the MapActivity layout file and load it together with my custom implementation of the MapListener. All initialization of the poi view elements i did in the constructor of the MapListener and just changed the visiblity when the method onVectorElementClicked was called. Here is a snippet how it basically looks:

    public void onMapClicked(double x, double y, boolean b) {
        Toast.makeText(activity, "onMapClicked " + (new EPSG3857()).toWgs84(x, y).x + " " + (new EPSG3857()).toWgs84(x, y).y, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Log.d(TAG, "onMapClicked " + x + " " + y);
        activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
    public void onVectorElementClicked(VectorElement vectorElement, double v, double v2, boolean b) {
        if (vectorElement != null && vectorElement instanceof Marker) {
            Toast.makeText(activity, "onLabelClicked Marker!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    private void showPopupView(VectorElement vectorElement) {

    I was inspired by the ViewLabel alternative at the github documentation of nutiteq see here "Use Android standard Layout tools"