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jQuery UI Slider - Change background color ONLY between handlers/sliders/markers

I am using jQuery UI Slider. I have multiple hanldes with range set to false. Is there a way to color the range between two handles/sliders/markers whatever you want to call them? I have not found a solution to this yet.

This is my code/initialization that I am using.

    var initialValues = [180, 435, 1080, 1320],
    updateValue = function (ui) {
    var hours = Math.floor(ui.value / 60);
    var minutes = ui.value - (hours * 60);

    if (hours.length == 1) hours = '0' + hours;
    if (minutes.length == 1) minutes = '0' + minutes;
    if (minutes == 0) minutes = '00';
    if (hours >= 12) {
        if (hours == 12) {
            hours = hours;
            minutes = minutes + " PM";
        } else {
            hours = hours - 12;
            minutes = minutes + " PM";
    } else {
        hours = hours;
        minutes = minutes + " AM";
    if (hours == 0) {
        hours = 12;
        minutes = minutes;
    $(ui.handle).attr('data-value', hours + ':' + minutes);

var timeLabels = ["12:00 a.m","1:00 a.m","2:00 a.m","3:00 a.m","4:00 a.m","5:00 a.m","6:00 a.m","7:00 a.m","8:00 a.m","9:00 a.m","10:00 a.m","11:00 a.m",
                  "12:00 p.m","1:00 p.m","2:00 p.m","3:00 p.m","4:00 p.m","5:00 p.m","6:00 p.m","7:00 p.m","8:00 p.m","9:00 p.m","10:00 p.m","11:00 p.m", "12:00 p.m"];
(function ($) {
    $.widget('my-namespace.customSlider', $.ui.slider, {
        options: {
            ticks: false

        // Called when the slider is instantiated.
        _create: function() {

            // Call the orginal constructor, creating the slider normally.

            // If the "ticks" option is false or the "step" option is
            // less than 5, there's nothing to do.
            if ( !this.options.ticks || this.options.step < 5 ) {

            // Setup some variables for rendering the tick marks below the slider.
            var cnt = this.options.min,
                background = this.element.css( "border-color" ),

            while ( cnt <= this.options.max ) {

                // Compute the "left" CSS property for the next tick mark.
                left = ( cnt / this.options.max * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ) + "%";

                // Creates the tick div, and adds it to the element. It adds the
                // "ui-slider-tick" class, which has common properties for each tick.
                // It also applies the computed CSS properties, "left" and "background".
                $( "<div/>" ).addClass( "ui-slider-tick" )
                             .appendTo( this.element )
                             .css( { left: left, background: background } );

                cnt += this.options.step;

            cnt = this.options.min
            var i = 0;
            while (cnt <= this.options.max) {
                $($(".pct-slider#" + this.element[0].id).find('.ui-slider-tick')[cnt]).append("<div class='tick-labels'>" + timeLabels[i] + "</div>");
                cnt = cnt + 4;
            //$(".pct-slider#" + sliders[0]).find('.ui-slider-tick').find('.tick-labels').hide()
        addValue: function( val ) {
            var time = convertToTime(val)
            $($(".ui-slider-handle").last()).attr('data-value', time)
        removeValue: function( ) {
            if (this.options.values.length > 1) {
                this.options.values.pop( );

var sliders =["mondaySlider", "tuesdaySlider","wednesdaySlider","thursdaySlider","fridaySlider","saturdaySlider","sundaySlider"];

$(".pct-slider#" + sliders[0])
    min: 0,
    max: 1440,
    step: 15,
    range: false,
    ticks: true,
    values: initialValues,
    create: function (event, ui) {
        $.each( initialValues, function(i, v){
                value: v,
                handle: $(".pct-slider#" + sliders[0]).find('.ui-slider-handle').eq(i) 
    slide: function (event, ui) {
        var handleIndex = $('a',,
            curr = ui.values[handleIndex],
            next = ui.values[handleIndex + 1] - 15,
            prev = ui.values[handleIndex - 1] + 15;

        if (curr > next || curr < prev) {
            return false;


I was trying to append divs onto my handles, but when I append a div it makes my handle disappear. My thought was to append a div on two handles and color the background of that div. Not working out for me though.

Heres a fiddle of what my initial slider looks like :

I want to color between the sets of handles


  • You can add div inside your slider and resize them when you move the handles. With proper css it'll give the effect you're describing. You may need to tweak it a little bit, but this should give you some ideas:


    //You add divs inside your slider, you need four, the last region will be 
    /background of slider
    <div class="pct-slider" id="mondaySlider">
         <div class="color-region"></div>
        <div class="color-region"></div>
        <div class="color-region"></div>
        <div class="color-region"></div>  


     //Make your divs relative and give them color    
            position: relative;
            height: 100%;
            float: left;
        background-color: blue;
        background-color: blue;
        background-color: red;
        background-color: yellow;
        background-color: green;


    function resize_colors() {
           //you start at 0 
           var cur_pos = 0;
            $(".ui-slider-handle").each(function (i) {
                //for each handle you check position and set width of corresponding color div
                $('.color-region').eq(i).css('width', $(this).position().left - cur_pos)
              //update cur_pos to calculate next color width  
              cur_pos = $(this).position().left;

    You'll see it doesn't follow completely on slide event, part of this is because slide event is triggered when it moves only, so when you stop, there's a moment not updating. But maybe if you run resize color on some other event it will give a better result.

    See fiddle: