The value for 'email' is set within session scope using
session.setAttribute("email", "").
To display the value later, the following code was used
<c:out value='${session.getAttribute("email")}'> </c:out>
This yielded no output on the screen. Note that the necessary packages were imported and that there is no error produced.
However, if I re-write using the scriptlet: <% out.print(session.getAttribute("email")); %>
, I get my desired output.
Why doesn't session.getAttribute()
work when using the EL expression?
My question is why doesn't session.getAttribute() work when using the JSTL tag?
The correct way of fetching a session attribute in a jsp via EL is
<c:out value='${sessionScope.EMAIL}'/>
You are messing up the JSTL & scriptlet code, you can try
email: <%= session.getAttribute("EMAIL") %>