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Query deeply embeded documents in MongoDB with C# driver

This is just an example code... I have managed to get to the third embeded document using .$ , but not further... How do I query the fourth nested part(article headings)?

    "bookTitle": "MongoDB",
    "_id": ObjectId("530dea1d2dbf280000533b60"),
    "bookChapters": [{
    "chapterTitle": "chapterTitle",
    "_id": ObjectId("530dea1d2dbf280000533b61"),
    "chapterArticles": [{
        "articleTitle": "articleTitle",
        "_id": ObjectId("530dea1d2dbf280000533b62"),
        "articleHeadings": [{
            "headingTitle": "headingTitle",
            "_id": ObjectId("530dea1d2dbf280000533b63")
    "__v": 0


  • You can use $elemMatch to match nested element in array. I used headingTitle to match here. Query will be like following-

        "bookChapters": {
        "$elemMatch": {
            "chapterArticles": {
                "$elemMatch": {
                    "articleHeadings": {
                        "$elemMatch": {
                            "headingTitle": "headingTitle"

    If you want to convert it to mongo c# driver then you can refer this