I have multiple BX Sliders on a page. I don't want to have to give each one an explicit ID in the JavaScript (as the documentation suggests) as there could be an unknown number of sliders. Each carousel has an ID in the markup.
The slider also changes configuration at a certain breakpoints.
I want to be able to tell a slider to go to a certain slide on page load (something like $('#slider1').goToSlide(2)
However the .goToSlide()
method is not exposed like that as it hasn't been assigned to that ID (only the class .js-carousel
So how can I achieve this?
$ ->
$('.js-carousel').each ->
# Flags and selector cachine
id = '#' + $(this).attr('id')
sliderLoaded = false
$slider = $( id )
$wrapper = $slider.closest('.js-carousel-wrapper')
$body = $('body')
# Load different options based on the breakpoint
sliderOptions = ( breakpoint ) ->
switch breakpoint
when 'large'
bxLargeOptions =
mode: 'fade'
pagerCustom: id + '_pager'
controls: false
video: true
adaptiveHeight: true
# captions: true
onSliderLoad: onSliderLoad
when 'multi'
bxMultiSmallOptions =
controls: false
minSlides: 2
maxSlides: 6
slideWidth: 128
slideMargin: 0
onSliderLoad: onSliderLoad
infiniteLoop: false
pager: false
bxSmallOptions =
pagerCustom: '#pager'
controls: false
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000)'
video: true
adaptiveHeight: true
# captions: true
onSliderLoad: onSliderLoad
# Call on every slider load event
onSliderLoad = ->
# Set a flag
sliderLoaded = true
# get the custom next control
sliderNext =
# Get the custom prev control
sliderPrev =
# Add active class to show controls
# Return the slider type or false
sliderType = ( type ) ->
if $slider.data('carousel-type') == type
return true
return false
# Init or reload the slider
slider = ( option, reload ) ->
if reload
$slider.reloadSlider sliderOptions( option )
$slider.bxSlider sliderOptions( option )
# Load different sliders for small screens
enquire.register "screen and (max-width:767px)",
match: ->
if !sliderType( 'multi' )
if !sliderLoaded
slider( false, true )
if !sliderLoaded
slider( 'multi' )
slider( 'multi', true )
# Destroy multi sliders at larger screen sizes
unmatch: ->
if sliderType( 'multi' )
# Load different sliders for large screens
enquire.register "screen and (min-width:768px)",
match: ->
if !sliderType( 'multi' )
if !sliderLoaded
slider('large', true)
# Custom slider controls
$wrapper.on 'click', '.js-carousel-control', (e) ->
# Prevent normal behaviour in case it's a link
# Although it should be a <button>
# Get the direction stored in the data attribute
slide = $(this).data().slide
# Move the carousel
# Default is to move to a specific slide number
switch slide
when 'prev' then $slider.goToPrevSlide()
when 'next' then $slider.goToNextSlide()
else $slider.goToSlide slide
So I've had a play, it just takes a little bit of fun to get it to work. Say this is your HTML:
<h3>Slideshow 1</h3>
<ul id="slider1" class="slider">
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/hill_trees.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/me_trees.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/houses.jpg" /></li>
<h3>Slideshow 2</h3>
<ul id="slider2" class="slider">
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/tree_root.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/trees.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/hill_road.jpg" /></li>
<h3>Slideshow 3</h3>
<ul id="slider3" class="slider">
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/tree_root.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/trees.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="http://bxslider.com/images/730_200/hill_road.jpg" /></li>
And this is your JS:
var sliders = [];
$('.slider').each(function () {
mode: 'fade',
auto: true,
autoControls: true,
pause: 2000
The trick is to get into a loop before you init each slider, then you have a reference to each slider
, allowing you to pick one and access its APIs. See this example: http://jsfiddle.net/wosszb0w/3/