I have the following Rest controller:
public class DocumentSearchController_global
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.setValidator(new ChekAtleastOneValueValidator());
@RequestMapping(value = "/validator", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
protected DocumentSearchResponse validatortest(@Valid @RequestBody TestCustomAnotation objDMSRequest, Errors e, BindingResult br) throws AppException
if (e.hasErrors())
System.out.println("Got Error: "+ e.getFieldError());
DocumentSearchResponse objDocSearchResponse = null;
return objDocSearchResponse;
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
public String handleMethodArgumentNotValidException(
MethodArgumentNotValidException error) {
System.out.println("ERROR-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" +error.getMessage());
return "Bad request: " + error.getMessage();
And this is the bean where the request will be cast:
public class TestCustomAnotation
@ValidDocumentModifiedDate({"7Days", "30Days","60Days"})
String docModifiedDate;
String objectId;
String jobId;
Setter and GEtter
the contol will only go to
it will not check for @notnull
then the control will check for
validation but not
.My question is: is there a way in Spring to use Spring validation, custom annotation and @notnull annotation and get all the error of all the validation or spring allows to use only Spring validators?
Actually the question itself was wrong. I got the answer I use a Spring Validator class to validate all the request comming in and then use @validated in stead of @valid. I don't use annotation at the request anymore and let the class be a POJO. thats it problem solved