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Does R support indirect variable expansion or variable substitution?

In bash one can use an exclamation mark to use a variable's value as a variable. See explanation here. This is known as variable indirect expansion. This can be used to used to name a new variable using another variable in your code. I was wondering if this could be done in R lang.

For example, lets say I want to create a data frame of employees located at each of a companies' buildings.


   employee building
1    345618 Pi
2    195871 E
3    247274 Pi
4    929771 Pi
5    873096 E
6    665857 E
7    791656 E
8    133673 E
9    574058 C
10   208041 C
11   402100 C
12   167792 C
13   156971 C

And let "♠building" be the variable I want to indirectly expand. So I want to use the building name as a new variable of that building's name. I am using a ♠ character here because using ! (as it is used infront of a variable in bash) was causing some confusion.

completed_list <- c("") #Clear out vector
for(building in talent_by_building$building){

  if(!(building %in% completed_list)){
    ♠building<-talent_by_building[talent_by_building$building %in% building,]

If this was possible in R, the expected output would be the creation of three new data frames named for each of the buildings the for loop found. Pi,E,and C:


   employee building
1    345618 Pi
2    247274 Pi
3    929771 Pi


   employee building
1    195871 E
2    873096 E
3    665857 E
4    791656 E
5    133673 E


   employee building
1   574058 C
2   208041 C
3   402100 C
4   167792 C
5   156971 C

Is there a way to use the building name as the name of the new value? So in place of ♠building the value of the variable would be substituted as the variable name. I can do this in bash and was wondering if this was possible in R.


  • tl;dr no, there is no short-hand syntax for variable substitution. Slightly longer answer: it's pretty easy to get your desired output. If you're going to be working with R for more than a very short time, it's probably worth learning some R idioms, though.

    Construct example data:

    talent_by_building <-  read.table(header=TRUE,text=
    "employee building
    345618 Pi
    195871 E
    247274 Pi
    929771 Pi
    873096 E
    665857 E
    791656 E
    133673 E
    574058 C
    208041 C
    402100 C
    167792 C
    156971 C")

    First split the data by building:

    ss <- split(talent_by_building,talent_by_building$building)

    The idiomatic R way to deal with these data would be to leave them inside the list rather than creating new variables to clutter up the global workspace. But if you want to:

    for (i in names(ss)) {

    A more direct translation of your code:

    BUILDING <- "Pi"

    If you want to do something other than assignment you can use eval(), substitute(), and/or parse, but it's usually more trouble than it's worth.