I am trying to add my APP to startup folder.
public class info {
public static String getautostart() {
return System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir").replace("Local\\Temp\\", "Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup");
public static String gettemp() {
String property = "java.io.tmpdir";
String tempDir = System.getProperty(property);
return tempDir;
public static String getrunningdir() {
String runningdir = ProjectGav.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
return runningdir;
That's the class I store info methods
And the main class:
System.out.println(info.getautostart() + "\\asdf.jar");
Files.move(info.getrunningdir(), info.getautostart() + "\\asdf.jar");
This is the output from println:
C:\Users\JOHNDO~1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\asdf.jar
The files.move
is not working.
OK lets say you want to move your jar from the current directory to the autostart folder. You already have these methods:
// nothing to change here - it seems to work just fine
public static String getautostart() {
return System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir").replace("Local\\Temp\\", "Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup");
// this one got confused with the '/' and '\' so I changed it
public static String getrunningdir() {
//you need to import java.nio.file.Paths for that.
String runningdir = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString(); // it simulates the creation of a file in the current directory and returns the path for that file
return runningdir;
Now moving a file needs Paths
and not String
so you need to create a Path instance for each of your Strings:
Path autostartPath = Paths.get(getautostart());
Path currentPath = Paths.get(getrunningdir());
If you want to point to a file (like your .jar
file) within the paths you can do this:
currentPath.resolve("myProgram.jar"); // The paths end with a `/` so you don't need to add it here
All together the move
should look like this:
Files.move(currentPath.resolve("myProgram.jar"), autostartPath.resolve("myProgram.jar"));