I am building an app using HTML5 in which a grid is drawn. I have some shapes on it that you can move. What I'm trying to do is to snap objects to some points defined when you hover them while moving a shape. What I tried is to save anchors points inside an array and when the shape is dropped, I draw the shape on the closest anchor point. Easeljs is my main js lib so I want to keep it but if needed I can use an other one with easeljs.
Thanks in advance for your help!
This is pretty straightforward:
Here is a quick sample with the latest EaselJS: http://jsfiddle.net/lannymcnie/qk1gs3xt/
The distance check looks like this:
// Determine the distance from the mouse position to the point
var diffX = Math.abs(event.stageX - p.x);
var diffY = Math.abs(event.stageY - p.y);
var d = Math.sqrt(diffX*diffX + diffY*diffY);
// If the current point is closeEnough and the closest (so far)
// Then choose it to snap to.
var closest = (d<snapDistance && (dist == null || d < dist));
if (closest) {
neighbour = p;
And the snap is super simple:
// If there is a close neighbour, snap to it.
if (neighbour) {
s.x = neighbour.x;
s.y = neighbour.y;
// Otherwise snap to the mouse
} else {
s.x = event.stageX;
s.y = event.stageY;
Hope that helps!