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Writing multiple functions in AMD javascript module

I am quite new to writing javascript code using AMD. I am stuck at figuring out how to write multiple functions in a file:

  return {
    and: function(a,b){
      return (a&&b);



I tried writing another function plus in the following way:

  return {
    plus: function(a,b){
      return (a+b);



But when I use grunt for testing, it is not able to detect the function plus


  • You should place each module in it's own file. At least requireJS (are you using that?) determines the module name by it's file name (without the .js).

    So a file sitting in /modules/A.js will have the module name "modules/A".

    If you really want to define multiple modules in one file, you can do it in a more explicit way like this:

    define("A", [], function () { return ...whatever... });
    define("B", [], function () { return ...whatever... });


    for defining one module with two functions you can use different patterns. For a singleton (i.e. no "Class") I usually do something like this:

    define(function () {
        var myModule = {
            fn1: function () { .... },
            fn2: function () { .... }
        return myModule;