I'm querying UserApp for users and I feel like I've tried everything. Here's my code:
"page": 1,
"page_size": 100,
"fields": "*",
"filters": {
"query": "email:example@email.com"
}, function(error, result){
This isn't returning any error, and in the results object, it just responds with an empty array. The email is correct, and I've tried with and without sorting, fields as "" and "mixed", query as "email:example@email.com", "name:Stephen", "Stephen", and "". The app_id is set properly, and I get use UserApp.User.get() to get myself when I'm logged in, but the above code never works. Error keeps coming back null and result is:
Object {items: Array[0], next_page: null, total_pages: 0, total_items: 0}
Thanks so much for your help!
UserApp.initialize({appId: "APP_ID", token: "TOKEN_CREATED_IN_TOKENS_SETTINGS"});
"page": 1,
"page_size": 250,
"fields": "*"
}, function(error, result){