I am trying to set the initial value of a Select2 element that is hooked up to an Ajax data source.
I am using v4 of Select2, and following the docs, which explain that initSelection
has been replaced.
I have begun by trying to adapt the example in the "Loading remote data" section of the Select2 documentation. This is my code to set the initial value:
var $gitElement = $('.select2');
var option = new Option("yosssi/ejr", '29424443', true, true);
I end up with a tag showing undefined (undefined)
. What am I doing wrong?
JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/t4Ltcm0f/4/
The error is is your templateResult
and templateSelection
functions. The 'repo' argument is an object not containing 'name' and 'full_name' properties, you should use the 'text' property instead.
function(repo) {
return repo.text || repo.name + ' (' + repo.full_name + ')';
Working JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/45891w6v/1/