HI Volks,
here is my code block which I want to replace by the ajax respond:
<div class="results">
<span id="like9">
<a class="like" rel="ajax.php?id=9" href="#">klick</a>
this is how I observe the ajax link:
$('.results .like').click(function()
params = getUrlVars($(this).attr('rel'));
$.get($(this).attr('rel'), function(data)
return false;
After I click on the link, everythings works fine, and the code block will be replace how expected. Everthing is equal except the link name.
But when I click a second time on the link, the selector does not work any more. I think because the old a.like was replaced.
My question is, how can I tell jquery or the DOM that there is a new DOM node?
I'm hoping for help. THX a lot.
you could try to use jQuery.live()
$(selector).live("click", function() {});