I'm trying to grab the Names of some Class Elements in a document (there are several of them) and rotate through them.
The HTML code of the site looks like this:
<div class="parent">
<div class="item">
<a class="item-name" href="http://somerandomurl.com">Relevant Item</a>
If I wanted to grab the URL I know the solution already:
function searchItem(itemname) {
listings = $(".item-name");
for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
element = listing[i];
if(element.href.indexOf(itemname) !== -1) {
return true;
In this case however, I don't want to compare the URL against another URL, I need to grab the Title off the "item-name" class as String and compare it to other Strings.
How can I manage to do this? I have tried a few things already, like listings = $(".market-name market-link").text();
function searchItem(itemname) {
if($('a.item-name:contains("' + itemname + '")').length) {
return true;