I am receiving an error in dialyzer when it analyzes the following function.
-spec do_request(Method, Type, Url, Expect, Headers, Body, Client) -> Response::client_response()
Method :: method(),
Type :: content_type(),
Url :: url(),
Expect :: status_codes(),
Headers :: headers(),
Body :: body(),
Client :: #client{}.
do_request(Method, Type, Url, Expect, Headers, Body, Client) ->
Client2 = check_expired(Client),
Headers2 = add_auth_header(Headers, Client2),
%% error occurs on this line
Response = restc:request(Method, Type, binary_to_list(Url), Expect, Headers2, Body),
{Response, Client2}.
The error is:
The call restc:request(Method::any(),Type::any(),
Body::any()) breaks the contract (Method::method(), Type::content_type(),
Url::url(), Expect::status_codes(), Headers::headers(),
Body::body()) -> Response::response()
has the following typespec:
-spec request(Method::method(), Type::content_type(), Url::url(),
Expect::status_codes(), Headers::headers(), Body::body()) -> Response::response().
The types used by the call are:
-type method() :: head | get | put | post | trace | options | delete.
-type url() :: binary().
-type headers() :: [header()].
-type header() :: {binary(), binary()}.
-type status_codes() :: [status_code()].
-type status_code() :: integer().
-type reason() :: term().
-type content_type() :: json | xml | percent.
-type property() :: atom() | tuple().
-type proplist() :: [property()].
-type body() :: proplist().
-type response() :: {ok, Status::status_code(), Headers::headers(), Body::body()} |
{error, Status::status_code(), Headers::headers(), Body::body()} |
{error, Reason::reason()}.
-type client_response() :: {response(), #client{}}.
-type token_type() :: bearer | unsupported.
Why does dialyzer say that my call is passing variables with an any()
type when I've specified the types of the variables being passed? I've looked through the call chain to verify that the type specifications are consistent (and are consistent with the other module).
The problem is that url()
is specified as a binary()
but you pass in [byte()]
(strings) in there. You need to change the type specification of url()
to something like iodata()
instead, or to restrict your input by converting it to a binary first.