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D3 Arc Diagram: Tooltip on Circle Mouseover Not Displaying

I'm stuck on a problem and just looking for another pair of eyes to maybe spot what I'm missing.

I have an arc diagram I'm building and would like a tooltip event when I mouse over the circles/nodes.

You can see the sample bl.ock here. I thought for this to work each circle needed to be in it's own g element, which I've done. I have a function that handles the creation of the tooltip:

function tooltipText(d) {
 return "<h5>Information for " + d.token + "</h5>" +
   "<table>" +
   "<tr>" +
   "<td class='field'>Token: </td>" +
   "<td>" + d.token + "</td>" +
   "</tr>" +
   "<tr>" +
   "<td class='field'>Dialect: </td>" +
   "<td>" + d.dialect + "</td>" +
   "</tr>" +
   "<tr>" +
   "<td class='field'>IME: </td>" +
   "<td>" + d.input_method + "</td>" +
   "</tr>" +
   "<tr>" +
   "<td class='field'>Operating System: </td>" +
   "<td>" + d.operating_system + "</td>" +
   "</tr>" +
   "<tr>" +
   "<td class='field'>Trial: </td>" +
   "<td>" + d.trial + "</td>" +
   "</tr>" +

Using CSS, the tooltip remains hidden until the mouseover is called:

.hidden {
  display: none;
  visibility: hidden;
  pointer-events: none;

.tooltip {
  color: #222;
  background: #fff;
  padding: .5em;
  text-shadow: #f5f5f5 0 1px 0;
  border-radius: 10px;
  border-color: #a6a6a6;
  border-width: 1px;
  border-style: solid;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0px #a6a6a6; 
  opacity: 0.9; 
  position: absolute;
  width: 225px;
  display: block;

.tooltip h5 {
  font-size: 1.05rem;

.tooltip p {
  font-size: 0.80rem;

And the mouseover itself:

// Tooltip
var tooltip ="body").append("div")
  .classed("tooltip", true)
  .classed("hidden", true);


    .on("mousemove", function(d, i) {
      var mouse = d3.mouse("body").node());
        .classed("hidden", false)
        .attr("class", "tooltip")
        .attr("style", "left:" + (mouse[0] + 20) + "px; top:" + (mouse[1] - 50) + "px")
    .on("mouseover", nodeOver);

Any pointers would be much appreciated.


  • There is a problem related to the usage of queue(), at the very beginning of JavaScript code.

    I would recommend using standard D3 functions for loading data, like d3.json().

    I made a code sample based on your block. the only difference from your example is that data is inside JavaScript function. The tooltips work!

    var width = 960,
      height = 400,
      margin = 20,
      pad = margin / 2,
      padding = 100,
      radius = 6,
      yfixed = pad + radius;
    // Legend variables
    var legend_x = 0,
      legend_y = 5,
      legend_width = 175,
      legend_height = 620,
      legend_margin = 20
    key_y = 40,
      key_x = 16,
      mapped_y = legend_y + legend_height - 90;
    var color = d3.scale.category20();
    // Tooltip
    var tooltip ="body").append("div")
      .classed("tooltip", true)
      .classed("hidden", true);
    var graph = getData();
    // Main
    function arcDiagram(graph) {
      var radius = d3.scale.sqrt()
        .domain([0, 20])
        .range([0, 15]);
      var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
        .attr("id", "arc")
        .attr("width", width)
        .attr("height", height);
      // create plot within svg
      var plot = svg.append("g")
        .attr("id", "plot")
        .attr("transform", "translate(" + padding + ", " + padding + ")");
      // count the paths
      graph.links.forEach(function(d, i) {
        var pathCount = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
          var otherPath = graph.links[j];
          if (otherPath.source === d.source && === {
        // console.log(pathCount)
        d.pathCount = pathCount;
      // fix graph links to map to objects
      graph.links.forEach(function(d, i) {
        d.source = isNaN(d.source) ? d.source : graph.nodes[d.source]; = isNaN( ? : graph.nodes[];
    // layout nodes linearly
    function linearLayout(nodes) {
      nodes.sort(function(a, b) {
        return a.uniq - b.uniq;
      var xscale = d3.scale.linear()
        .domain([0, nodes.length - 1])
        .range([radius, width - margin - radius]);
      nodes.forEach(function(d, i) {
        d.x = xscale(i);
        d.y = yfixed;
    function drawNodes(nodes) {
      var gnodes ="#plot").selectAll("g.node")
      var nodeEnter = gnodes.enter()
        .attr("class", "gnode");
        .attr("class", "node")
        .attr("id", function(d, i) {
        .attr("cx", function(d, i) {
          return d.x;
        .attr("cy", function(d, i) {
          return d.y;
        .attr("r", 14)
        .style("stroke", function(d, i) {
          return color(d.type);
      // Handling mouseover functions
        .on("mousemove", function(d, i) {
          var mouse = d3.mouse("body").node());
            .classed("hidden", false)
            .attr("class", "tooltip")
            .attr("style", "left:" + (mouse[0] + 20) + "px; top:" + (mouse[1] - 50) + "px")
        .on("mouseover", nodeOver);
        .style("text-anchor", "middle")
        .attr("dx", function(d) {
          return d.x;
        .attr("dy", function(d) {
          return d.y + 5;
        .text(function(d) {
          return d.token;
        .on("mouseover", trialOver);
    function drawLinks(links) {
      var radians = d3.scale.linear()
        .range([Math.PI / 2, 3 * Math.PI / 2]);
      var arc = d3.svg.line.radial()
        .angle(function(d) {
          return radians(d);
        .attr("class", "link")
        .style("stroke-width", function(d) {
          return (2 + d.pathCount);
        .attr("transform", function(d, i) {
          var xshift = d.source.x + ( - d.source.x) / 2;
          var yshift = yfixed;
          return "translate(" + xshift + ", " + yshift + ")";
        .attr("d", function(d, i) {
          var xdist = Math.abs(d.source.x -;
          arc.radius(xdist / 2);
          var points = d3.range(0, Math.ceil(xdist / 3));
          radians.domain([0, points.length - 1]);
          return arc(points);
        .on("mouseover", edgeOver);
    // Draw legend
    function drawLegend(d) {
      var legend = svg.append("g")
        .attr("class", "legend");
      var key = legend.append("g")
      // Initial
        .attr("id", "legend_initial")
        .attr("cx", legend_x + key_x)
        .attr("cy", legend_y + key_y + 5)
        .attr("r", 5)
        .style("fill", "blue");
        .attr("class", "legendText")
        .attr("id", "legend_initial_label")
        .attr("x", legend_x + key_x + 10)
        .attr("y", legend_y + 10 + key_y)
      // Selection
        .attr("id", "legend_selection")
        .attr("cx", function() {
          return legend_x + key_x
        .attr("cy", function() {
          return legend_y + legend_margin + key_y + 5
        .attr("r", 5)
        .style("fill", "lightblue");
        .attr("class", "legendText")
        .attr("id", "legend_selection_label")
        .attr("x", legend_x + key_x + 10)
        .attr("y", legend_y + legend_margin + 10 + key_y)
      // Final
        .attr("id", "legend_final")
        .attr("cx", legend_x + key_x)
        .attr("cy", legend_y + 2 * legend_margin + key_y + 5)
        .attr("r", 5)
        .style("fill", "orange");
        .attr("class", "legendText")
        .attr("id", "legend_final_label")
        .attr("x", legend_x + key_x + 10)
        .attr("y", legend_y + 2 * legend_margin + 10 + key_y)
      // Delete
        .attr("id", "legend_delete")
        .attr("cx", legend_x + key_x)
        .attr("cy", legend_y + 3 * legend_margin + key_y + 5)
        .attr("r", 5)
        .style("fill", "gold");
        .attr("class", "legendText")
        .attr("id", "legend_delete_label")
        .attr("x", legend_x + key_x + 10)
        .attr("y", legend_y + 3 * legend_margin + 10 + key_y)
    function tooltipText(d) {
      return "<h5>Information for " + d.token + "</h5>" +
        "<table>" +
        "<tr>" +
        "<td class='field'>Token: </td>" +
        "<td>" + d.token + "</td>" +
        "</tr>" +
        "<tr>" +
        "<td class='field'>Dialect: </td>" +
        "<td>" + d.dialect + "</td>" +
        "</tr>" +
        "<tr>" +
        "<td class='field'>IME: </td>" +
        "<td>" + d.input_method + "</td>" +
        "</tr>" +
        "<tr>" +
        "<td class='field'>Operating System: </td>" +
        "<td>" + d.operating_system + "</td>" +
        "</tr>" +
        "<tr>" +
        "<td class='field'>Trial: </td>" +
        "<td>" + d.trial + "</td>" +
        "</tr>" +
    function nodeOver(d, i) {
      d3.selectAll("path").style("stroke", function(p) {
        return p.source == d || == d ? "#17becf" : "#888888"
    function edgeOver(d) {
      d3.selectAll("path").style("stroke", function(p) {
        return p == d ? "#17becf" : "#888888"
    function trialOver(d) {
      var active,
 "#arcToken"); // function)
    function tokenOver(d, i) {
      d3.selectAll(this).style("stroke", function(d) {
        return p.token == d ? "#17becf" : "#888888"
    function getData() {
      return {
        "nodes": [{
          "token": "x",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "1",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "ia",
          "type": "final",
          "uniq": "2",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "1",
          "type": "selection",
          "uniq": "3",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "m",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "4",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "a",
          "type": "final",
          "uniq": "5",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "1",
          "type": "selection",
          "uniq": "6",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "y",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "7",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "in",
          "type": "final",
          "uniq": "8",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "l",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "9",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "iao",
          "type": "final",
          "uniq": "10",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "_",
          "type": "selection",
          "uniq": "11",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "*",
          "type": "productive-delete",
          "uniq": "12",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "j",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "13",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
        }, {
          "token": "un",
          "type": "final",
          "uniq": "14",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
          "gender": "female",
          "operating_system": "mac",
          "input_method": "apple",
          "trial": "2",
          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
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          "token": "z",
          "type": "initial",
          "uniq": "15",
          "age_group": "18-30",
          "dialect": "cantonese",
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          "chinese": "",
          "english": ""
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