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Why would down casting be a bad practice in C++ and not in another language?

I once asked a question about how to design a piece of C++ code (which can be found here C++ - Good or bad practice?) and people told me that down-casting is considered a bad practice except for very specific scenarios.

However, I've seen many pieces of code in C# and Java where it seems to be a totally natural way of doing things. For example in Android SDK, you have the function Activity#findViewById() that returns a View that you then down cast to its actual class:

TextView tv = (TextView) this.findViewById( );

Why would this need to be avoided in C++ and not in other languages ?
I know that C# and Java both support introspection natively, and not C++ which would require on kind of type field, but in the end it's the same thing, isn't it ?


  • There are at least a couple of very different reasons, all of which are important:

    1. Conceptual: Other languages (especially Java, but to a large extent also C# and similar languages that strongly encourage the use of "reference types") use run-time polymorphism as a single tool to solve a lot of different problems (compile-time polymorphism, code reuse, performance enhancement, type erasure, run-time polymorphism, etc.), whereas C++ has different, more specialized and more appropriate solutions to the individual problems. (Templates, value types, and the like can be used to solve the individual problems.) Consequently, polymorphism in C++ is much less common in other languages, and in the remaining cases where it is common, it is often (but not always) inappropriate to use the equivalent of downcasts or instanceof.

    2. Pragmatic: The downcasting operator in C++ is fundamentally extraordinarily slow compared to the performance of other operators, in main part due to the fact that C++ allows multiple- and virtual-inheritance. Other languages don't, so their casts are much simpler. Moreover, certain compilers' implementations themselves have historically had even slower implementations of downcasting (e.g. I believe 64-bit Visual C++ was one of them). Consequently, developers try to avoid it at all costs due to its practical performance characteristics, on top of the conceptual reasons (#1).

    Because of these reasons, it's really a bad idea to use dynamic_cast in C++ unless you absolutely need to.