As far as I know, things such as SortedMap
or SortedSet
, use compareTo
(rather than equals
) on Comparable<?>
types for checking equality (contains
, containsKey
But what if certain types are equatable by concept, but not comparable?
(Hash codes, memory addresses, ...)
I have to declare a Comparator<?>
and override the method int compareTo(T o1, To2)
. OK, I can return 0 for instances which are considered equal. But, for unqeual instances, what do I return when an order is not evident?
Is the approach of using SortedMap or SortedSet on equatable but (by concept) not comparable types good anyway?
Thank you!
I don't want to store things sorted, but would I use "usual" Map and Set, I couldn't "override" the equality-behavior.
Why I can't just override equals(...)
I need to alter the equality-behavior of a foreign class. I can't edit it.
Just think of .NET: They have IEquatable interface which cat alter the equality-behavior without touching the comparable behavior.
Can't I just make compareTo
return 0 for equal and 1 for non-equal instances? What's the big problem? I've dome some tests, it seems that SortedMap/SortedSet call compareTo on a pair of instances once. Yes, the order would not make sense, but why should it be my problem? I don't need the order. *I just need altered equality-behavior. Sadly most people just can't understand this.
NOTE: The concept of returning 1 for non-equal instances now was proven wrong.
Altering equality-behavior of foreign classes is a bad concept? Sure? I don't think so: Why then am I allowed to alter comparison-behavior of foreign classes using Comparator
Thanks to Mark Peters
and waxwing
for the idea of wrapping the key type in a custom class. This way, I can override equals and hashCode, thus altering the equality-behavior.
Consider wrapping your foreign class inside your own instead.
public class Foreign {
// undesired equals() and hashCode() implementation
public class ForeignWrapper {
private Foreign foreign;
public ForeignWrapper(Foreign foreign) {
this.foreign = foreign;
public void equals() {
// your equals implementation, using fields from foreign
public int hashCode() {
// your hashCode implementation, using fields from foreign
Then add new ForeignWrapper(foreign)
to the standard HashSet / HashMap. Not applicable in all situations, but maybe in yours.