I try to make a function which generate an aleatory number and verify if it doesn't already used, and return it.
But I got a undefined result, and I got in first the result of the function against the console.log which is in this function, whereas it should be the reverse.
// function main()
console.log('The result of the function in the main() is ' + Bank_generateAccountNumber());
// function Bank_generateAccountNumber()
function Bank_generateAccountNumber()
var account_number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8999) + 1000);
console.log('Bank_generateAccountNumber trying with this number: ' + account_number);
bdd.query('SELECT * FROM bank_accounts WHERE account_number = ?', gm.mysql.escape(account_number), function(e, d, f)
console.log("this number is available ! " + account_number);
return account_number;
console.log("this number is already used ! " + account_number);
return 0;
I'm seeing when I'm writing this, even if i'm not connected to mysql, i got "the result of the function in the main() is undefined", and after got a error because "d.id" is not defined.
I want get the console.log (which is in the function) in first, and after get the result of the function.
Do you have any idea? Thank you
I modified your function to use a deferred promise using the Q library. As Naresh Walia wrote in the comments you have more then one library to do so:
var q = require('q');
Bank_generateAccountNumber().then(function(response) {
console.log('The result of the function in the main() is ' + response);
function Bank_generateAccountNumber() {
var response = q.defer();
var account_number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8999) + 1000);
console.log('Bank_generateAccountNumber trying with this number: ' + account_number);
bdd.query('SELECT * FROM bank_accounts WHERE account_number = ?', gm.mysql.escape(account_number), function(e, d, f) {
if (!d.id) {
console.log("this number is available ! " + account_number);
console.log("this number is already used ! " + account_number);
return response.promise;