I'm using Concrete5, and I'm trying to display thumbnails for various uploaded files. While some of these might be images, the majority are PDFs.
I'm currently using:
$file = File::getByID($fID);
$imageHelper = Core::make('helper/image');
try {
$imageHelper->outputThumbnail($file, 200, 200);
} catch(InvalidArgumentException $e) { ?>
<img src='https://placehold.it/200x200'>
<?php } ?>
I'd much prefer to somehow create a smaller thumbnail of PDF files, for example by using ghostscript in the background. In the built-in file manager, at least a PDF icon is displayed. That would be a non-optimal option, but still better than not displaying anything to signify that we're dealing with a PDF..
How can I access the built-in thumbnails? And, more importantly, how can I properly overwrite them for certain file-types when they are uploaded?
I came across $file->getThumbnailURL('type');
and created a type for my own purposes. How would you automatically generate such a thumbnail when a file is uploaded? I can likely figure out how to generate the file with plain PHP, but storing it in Concrete5 is something I'm unsure about.
In the end, here's how I did it.
I started off by creating a new thumbnail type in the configure method of my package's controller, as follows:
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type;
public function configure($pkg) {
$thumbnailType = new Type();
$thumbnailType->setName(tc('ThumbnailTypeName', 'PDF Thumbnails'));
Then I created a class mypackage/src/document_processing/pdfthumbnails.php
with the following contents:
namespace Concrete\Package\Mypackage\Src\DocumentProcessing;
use Core;
use File;
use Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type;
class Pdfthumbnails {
public function processPDFThumbnails($fv) {
$fi = Core::make('helper/file');
$fvObj = $fv->getFileVersionObject();
$ext = $fi->getExtension($fvObj->getFilename());
$file = $fvObj->getFile();
if ($ext == 'pdf') {
$type = Type::getByHandle('pdfthumbnails');
$basetype = $type->getBaseVersion();
$thumbpath = $basetype->getFilePath($fvObj);
$fsl = $file->getFileStorageLocationObject()->getFileSystemObject();
$fre = $fvObj->getFileResource();
// this requires sufficient permissions..
// depending on your setup, reconsider 0777
mkdir('application/files'.dirname($thumbpath), 0777, true);
exec('gs -o application/files'.escapeshellarg($thumbpath).' -dPDFFitPage -sDEVICE=png16m -g200x200 -dLastPage=1 -f application/files/'.escapeshellarg($fre->getPath()));
And then I hooked into the on_file_version_add
event in my package's controller:
use Concrete\Package\Mypackage\Src\DocumentProcessing\Pdfthumbnails;
public function on_start() {
Events::addListener('on_file_version_add', array(new Pdfthumbnails(), 'processPDFThumbnails'));