I am trying to get the user ID from a photo at the moment I stop dragging it. I am using Meteor with JQueryUI Draggable. As the photos are rendered, I print the user to the console which works fine and gives the unique user ID correctly. When I drag and then stop, however, it returns incorrectly the user ID of the last rendered photo.
I have this html
<template name="Gallery">
<ul id="gallery-photos">
{{#each photos}}
{{> galleryPhoto}}
<template name="galleryPhoto">
<img src=""/>
and this JS
Template.galleryPhoto.rendered = function () {
var img = this.find('img');
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.data.user});
console.log(user); //Logs unique user ID for every photo rendered
var time = this.data.timestamp; // "1431998534049"
var path = this.data.user + "_" + time + ".jpg";
img.src = path;
axis: "x"
stop: function () {
var left = $(this).position().left;
if(left > 0) {
console.log(user); //Logs the ID of the last photo created
Is there any way to get the correct user on drag stop? I am sure the Meteor
way of doing this is to involve template events rather than the jQuery callback, but I am still rather inexperienced and not sure how to go about this.
When you do $('li')
each time new image is rendered, you override drag listener of all li
elements on your page. To select DOM elements inside template context use this.$('li')
Off cause you are free to give your li
Elements unique id
s and do it old school. It's up to you