Search code examples with Azure Blob storage - Upload error

this is my ng-click code on a button:

                    $scope.pickFiles = function () {
                        var picker_options = {
                            container: 'modal',
                            mimetypes: ['*'],
                            multiple: true //from attr
                        var store_options = {
                            location: 'Azure'
                        window.filepicker.pickAndStore(picker_options, store_options, function (fpfiles) {
                            $scope.$apply(function () {
                            }), function (error) {

After clicking the button, the modal properly appears, but when I select a file I get an "Error uploading file ...." message on red background.

When I click "Upload" at the bottom, this is the error on the console:

TypeError: Unable to set property 'id' of undefined or null reference
   at Anonymous function (
   at a (
   at h (
   at Anonymous function (
   at u (
   at Anonymous function (
   at p.prototype.$eval (
   at p.prototype.$digest (
   at p.prototype.$apply (
   at a (

I'm trying to configure it with Azure Blob Storage (on the developer portal the access keys are set). It never goes inside the function(error) function.

Any tips?


I tried with the widget:

<input type="filepicker" data-fp-apikey=".............." data-fp-mimetypes="*/*" data-fp-container="modal" data-fp-store-location="azure" onchange="alert(event.fpfile.url)">

And it works, the file is uploaded to the blob storage, but it works only if I put above HTML direct onto the page. When it is in an AngularJS directive template - the logic isn't applied and a standard input appears. I guess it's because the directive is later applied to the DOM than the widget logic.

Any tips how to use the widget in an AngularJS Directive template?


  • I was able to make the widget to work (however no success with the JavaScript API), this is the code-snippet from the Angular directive link function which transforms an input element from the directives template to the filepicker button:


                var fPicker = (<any>window).filepicker;
                var domElement = <HTMLInputElement>element.children().get(0);
                domElement.setAttribute('data-fp-mimetype', 'image/*');
                domElement.setAttribute('data-fp-button-text', $scope.title);
                domElement.onchange = (e) => {