Basically i have two questions which are related but i'll separate them with numbers 1) I am trying to load a single field into a select dropdown box from collection but its populating with all repetitive values it collected from the list below it instead of its own helper.
<template name="carsList">
{{> categoryFilter}}
<ul class="collection" id="listings">
{{#each cars}}
{{> carItem}}
category template is
<template name="categoryFilter">
<div class="input-field">
<option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option>
{{#each companyCategories}}
{{> companyCategory}}
<label>Select Category</label>
<template name="companyCategory">
categoryFilter is holding the dropdown template for which iam using the below helper
companyCategories: function(){
return Cars.find();
instead of populating from its own helper its loading the data that is coming from "listings" below it and repeating data.
Image of the result in selectbox
2) I also want to filter the listings based on the value selected in the select dropdown box (Ofcourse reactive)
Please help
This is how my template looks now
<template name="categoryFilter">
<div class="input-field">
<option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option>
{{#each companyCategories}}
{{> companyCategory}}
<label>Select Category</label>
<template name="companyCategory">
Here is how I would proceed. First, the dropdown: you should use a cursor instead of an array of documents. So your helper should be:
companyCategories: function(){
return Jobs.find();
and your categoryFilter
template HTML could be something like this
<template name="categoryFilter">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">
{{selectedCategory}} <!-- refer to an helper which returns the reactive variable-->
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
{{#each companyCategories}}
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="categoryItem" tabindex="-1" href="#">{{yourCatergoryNameField}}</a></li>
You can then create an event to record the current category selected in the dropdown when it is clicked
"click .categoryItem": function(e, t) {
var text = $(
Session.set("selectedCategory", text)
Now, you can filter your cars using the selectedCategory
reactive variable. For this, you need another helper. It could be for instance:
carListingByCategory: function(){
var filter = Session.get ("selectedCategory");
return Car.find(category:filter)
That should do the trick. I never use Session, so it might not work as I suppose it does. If it does not work, use ReactiveDict instead. Basically, you add var pageSession = new ReactiveDict();
at the beginning of your doc and you can replace Session
with pageSession
in my code.
Ok, let's have a try with underscore. Based on this answer, here is what you can do to return all the distinct categories for every item of allJobs:
companyCategories: _.uniq(Collection.find({}, {
sort: {myField: 1}, fields: {myField: true}
}).fetch().map(function(x) {
return x.myField;
}), true);
where myfield
is your categories array field.
Try to change your html and replace {{justCategory}}
with {{this}}
<template name="categoryFilter">
<div class="input-field">
<option value="" disabled selected>Choose your option</option>
{{#each companyCategories}}
{{> companyCategory}}
<label>Select Category</label>
<template name="companyCategory">