Has anyone successfully used JBoss Web SingleSignOn with JBoss Seam, or know if it is possible? I have two web app:s that I would like to share the same login functionality, ie if you sign into one web app you do not need to sign in again when accessing the other web app.
Best regards
There is no official documentation on SSO. This is partly due to the fact that the SSO integration didn't mature until Seam 2.x was established and there is little to no more development with Seam 2.x. The push now is for Weld and Seam 3. That doesn't meant there aren't solutions though that work well. The Security and Seam developers are backing PicketLink as the SSO solution to use with Seam.
See the main PicketLink page for more information http://jboss.org/picketlink
And for Seam specific integration with PicketLink see:
How to add SAML and OpenID Authentication to your Seam Application -- http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14752
External Authentication Example Using SSOCircle -- http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14753
External Authentication Example Using OpenSSO -- http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-14763
Also there are examples in the community of Seam and SSO, for example: http://blogs.oracle.com/warren/entry/using_opensso_authentication_with_jboss