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Large Int Set in sml

I'm having the following problem in sml: i want to create a set using the IntListSet signature but instead of int I want to use large int. Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you, awaiting for your answer .


  • You can use the ListSetFn functor. From the documentation, you will find:

    functor ListSetFn (ORD_KEY) : ORD_SET

    This says that ListSetFn is a functor that takes a structure satisfying the ORD_KEY signature, which you can find in the documentation as:

    type ord_key
    val compare : (ord_key * ord_key) -> order 

    So basically, you need to create a structure that satisfies the ORD_KEY signature, such as:

    structure LargeIntKey : ORD_KEY = 
      type ord_key = 
      val compare =

    And then you can create a LargeInt instance of the ListSetFn functor by doing:

     structure LargeIntSet = ListSetFn(LargeIntKey)