I am unable to fetch a collection of awards with what I'm doing currently, what am I doing wrong in fetching this collection?
I keep getting the following error:
Error: Error while processing route: awards Assertion Failed: ArrayController expects model
to implement the Ember.Array mixin. This can often be fixed by wrapping your model with `Ember.A()
Router.map ->
# Contests
@resource 'contests'
@resource 'contest', { path: '/contests/:contest_id' }
# Awards
@resource 'awards', { path: '/contests/:contest_id/awards' }
@resource 'award', { path: '/contests/:contest_id/awards/:award_id' }
# Ads
@resource 'ads', { path: '/contests/:contest_id/ads' }
@resource 'ad', { path: '/contests/:contest_id/ads/:ad_id' }
award.coffee model
`import DS from 'ember-data'`
AwardModel = DS.Model.extend
# Attributes
description: DS.attr 'string'
amount: DS.attr 'string'
adId: DS.attr 'string'
adType: DS.attr 'string'
state: DS.attr 'string'
thumbnail: "http://placehold.it/290x218"
# Relationships
ad: DS.belongsTo 'ad', async: true
contest: DS.belongsTo 'contest', async: true
`export default AwardModel`
contest.coffee model
`import DS from 'ember-data'`
ContestModel = DS.Model.extend
# Attributes
title: DS.attr 'string'
truncatedTitle: DS.attr 'string'
state: DS.attr 'string'
totalAwards: DS.attr 'string'
totalAds: DS.attr 'string'
startsOn: DS.attr 'date'
endsOn: DS.attr 'string'
daysLeft: DS.attr 'string'
thumbnail: DS.attr 'string'
createdAt: DS.attr 'date'
# Relationships
ads: DS.hasMany 'ad', async: true
awards: DS.hasMany 'award', async: true
`export default ContestModel`
awards.coffee controller
`import Ember from 'ember'`
AwardsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend
videoAwards: '',
printAwards: '',
setAwards: (type) ->
awards = @filter((award) ->
award.get('adType') == type.capitalize()
@set(type + 'Awards', awards)
sortAwardsByType: ->
# TODO: find out why this is not working
# ['video', 'print'].forEach (type) ->
# @setAwards(type)
`export default AwardsController`
awards.coffee routes file
`import Ember from 'ember'`
`import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin'`
AwardsRoute = Ember.Route.extend AuthenticatedRouteMixin,
model: ->
# How to fetch the awards of the given contest here with ember data
setupController: (controller, model) ->
controller.set('model', model)
`export default AwardsRoute`
This would work:
// awards route
model: (params) ->
@store.find('contest', params.contest_id).then((contest) ->
More about promises chain here.
Then you can implement filtering on the model in awards controller.