I want to have a different array list for each key when I use HashMap>. I would like to store the sentence id as a key and words of the sentence in array list. To do that I did the following:
//I used the multimap for this task and it works fine.
Multimap<Integer, String> multiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> MapSentences = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> arraylist = new ArrayList<String>();
while ((line4 = br4.readLine()) != null) {
String[] splitStr = line4.split("\\s+");
for(String s : splitStr){
multiMap.put(WordIndex, s);
MapSentences.put(WordIndex, arraylist);
I used the multimap for this task. it works fine. But I need to implement the hash map with array list because I need to keep track of the word index in the sentence + the sentence number.
When I printed out content of the hashmap, I noticed the 4 sentences I'm using as a sample had been save as following:
Key:0 >>> sent1 sent2 sent3 sent4
Key:1 >>> sent1 sent2 sent3 sent4
Key:2 >>> sent1 sent2 sent3 sent4
Key:3 >>> sent1 sent2 sent3 sent4
it should be as following:
Key:0 >>> sent0
Key:1 >>> sent1
Key:2 >>> sent2
Key:3 >>> sent3
I will do some processing to some chunks of the sentence, so it will be easy to just add chunk to array list based on the index number when I want to reconstruct the sentence.
Any help is appreciative.
You need to replace this:
MapSentences.put(WordIndex, arraylist);
With lazy creation of array lists for each key:
ArrayList<?> list = MapSentences.get(WordIndex);
if (list = null) {
list = new ArrayList<?>();
MapSentences.put(wordIndex, list);