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Angular: How to disable an anchor tag out of an array (ng-repeat) of anchor tags

I have an ng-repeat of anchor tags that is displaying a list of clickable group memebers:

<a href="#/contact/{{ ::member.fullProfile.xpid }}" ng-click="storeRecentContact(member.fullProfile.xpid)" class=" GroupRow ListRow ListRow-Contact vmsection ng-class:{'last': $last}" ng-class-odd="'ListRowOdd'" ng-class="{'ListRowLast':$last}" data-ng-repeat="member in group.members | filter: searchFilter() | orderBy: [selectedSort.type, 'fullProfile.displayName'] track by member.xpid" droppable="Call" ng-disabled="member.contactId == myself.contactId">

As you can see at the end of the anchor tag, I am trying to disable 1 of the ng-repeat elements, more specifically, the anchor tag of me/myself.




will be the same on the anchor tag representing my user. However, it is still not disabling my ability to click on my own group member anchor tag. Am I utilizing ng-disabled correctly? Or alternatively, is there another way of accomplishing this?


  • You could not disable <a> anchor tag, you should try a simpler way to do by handling logic on html itself using && check like first check member.contactId != myself.contactId and if its true then only fire storeRecentContact(member.fullProfile.xpid) method.

    here you ng-click should look like ng-click="member.contactId != myself.contactId && storeRecentContact(member.fullProfile.xpid)" now you can remove ng-disabled directive which is of no use.


    <a href="#/contact/{{ ::member.fullProfile.xpid }}" 
    ng-click="member.contactId != myself.contactId && storeRecentContact(member.fullProfile.xpid)" 
    ...other attributes..

    Small Demo Plunkr


    To stop redirecting your link to different page you could use ng-attr directive that will set an href tag value(where you want to redirect your SPA) by evaluation {{}} expression. If you want to redirect to #/contact/1 then your href would be href="#/contact/{{ ::member.fullProfile.xpid }}" otherwise it would be simply href="" as blank. Suppose as you are using a condition that member.contactId shouldn't be equal to member.contactId like member.contactId != myself.contactId then you don't want user to redirect your SPA on contact details page. That thing will handle by {{member.contactId != myself.contactId' ? #/contact/'+ member.fullProfile.xpid: '' }} of ng-attr-href this will change href attribute value on basis of {{}} expression

    <a ng-attr-href="{{member.contactId != myself.contactId' ? #/contact/'+ member.fullProfile.xpid: '' }}" 
       ng-click="member.contactId != myself.contactId &&  storeRecentContact(member.fullProfile.xpid)" 
       ...other attributes..