I have a Google Map (API 2) that used to work fine as a standalone page.
However, when I load the map page within an iframe (with Thickbox), the map gets off-center:
normally it's centered over Germany and in the iframe it centers on Iran, instead.
How to make the map center correctly?
My guesses:
The problem can result from the iframe loading time. I guess, that the script calculates window size basing on the iframe size when it's still loading. It's strange since I load the map when the document is ready.
$(document).ready(function() {
For instance, when I refresh the already loaded iframe the center comes back to Germany. A sample of code loading the map
My guess turned out to be good. The reason was iframe size calculated during its load.
The fix is easy: just to specify the size
in GMapOptions
- then the map will always know how big is its container.
In my case it meant changing
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), {
size:new GSize(970,500),